The Kick-Ass Stepmom Podcast with Jamie Scrimgeour

In this episode, Jamie chats with Bethany Webster, author of Discovering the Inner Mother, all about the Mother Wound.
After hearing Bethany speak on another podcast, Jamie was forever changed. Discovering the mother wound filled in so many gaps for her about why she feels the way she does, and validated so many of her experiences with her own mom.
In this episode, Bethany and Jamie dive into:
- What the Mother Wound is
- How it’s a direct result of our patriarchal society
- How the mother gap (what you needed from your mother vs. what you got) shows up in adult relationships
- How the stories we tell ourselves stem from our early childhood experiences, and our relationships with our mothers
- How to set boundaries with your mother (if needed and desired)
- The shame and guilt that women often experience when their relationship with their mother isn’t what they think it should be
- How to grieve the relationship you want, but may never have
and more.
Jamie also dives into some of her own personal experiences and talks about how Bethany’s work has been the catalyst to so much personal growth and discovery for her.
Jamie is a Life Coach with a specialization in Stepfamily Dynamics, a the host of The Kick-Ass Stepmom Podcast, and a digital content creator. She is a wife, stepmom of three, and mom of one who, when she couldn’t find the stepmom support she was looking for, decided to create it herself.
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