Dear Mama Podcast with Nikki McCahon

Here’s what Nikki had to say about our conversation:
“In this week’s episode I’m chatting to Bethany Webster a coach, writer and speaker whose life mission is to help women heal the ‘mother wound’ – the pain rooted in our relationship with our mothers that is passed down from generation to generation in patriarchal cultures and has a profound effect on our lives. When left unresolved, we pass on the Mother Wounds our mothers and grandmothers before us failed to heal, which consist of toxic and oppressive beliefs, ideals, perceptions and choices about ourselves, others, and all of life itself. ⠀
“Historically, patriarchal cultures have not only treated motherhood as a mandate for women, they’ve also made it oppressive, holding women to impossible standards, expecting them to:⠀
👉🏼Relinquish their ambitions for their families.⠀
👉🏼Be the primary caretakers of the household.⠀
👉🏼Constantly serve others and their needs, while giving up their own.⠀
👉🏼Handle everything with ease 100% of the time – having well-behaved children, being sexually attractive, having a successful career, and a solid marriage.⠀
👉🏼Deplete themselves to support their families and raise children.⠀
As a result of these limiting beliefs and super-human standards, women often forgo their dreams, bottle up their desires and suppress their needs in favor of meeting the cultural ideal of that womanhood should be. ⠀
This pressure is suffocating for most women, engendering rage, depression, anxiety and overall emotional pain, which—when not addressed as is often the case in patriarchal cultures—is then unconsciously passed on to their children through subtle or even aggressive forms of emotional abandonment (mothers can’t be emotionally present when stressed), manipulation (shame, guilt and obligation) or rejection.⠀
I am currently completing Bethany’s course myself and I can say hand on heart that Bethany’s work is some of the most important, healing and transformative personal development I have come across and I am so grateful to be able to share it on the podcast.”